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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

Marines with combined anti-armor team conduct weapon familiarization training June 3 at the North Training Area at Combined Arms Training Center Camp Fuji. It was the first time for many of the Marines to fire the AT-4 light anti-armor weapon. The Marines are with the CAAT of Weapons Company, 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, which is currently assigned to 4th Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division, III Marine Expeditionary Force, under the unit deployment program. The combat correspondent captured the photo at a shutter speed of 1/160th of a second, creating a multiple-exposure effect of the AT-4 gunner, as well as capturing the dust being shaken from the Marines’ helmets as a result of the shockwave created from the concussion of the weapon’s back-blast. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Adam B. Miller/Released)
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Low-Level Blast Exposure

Low-level blast is the blast generated from firing heavy weapons systems or explosives in combat or training environments. LLB exposure is not the same as concussion or traumatic brain injury. Exposure doesn't typically result in a clinically diagnosable concussion/mild traumatic brain injury.

Low-level blast exposure may cause:

  • Concentration problems
  • Irritability
  • Memory problems
  • Slowed thinking/slow reaction time
  • Decreased hand-eye coordination
  • Difficulty hearing
  • Headaches
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)

Low-level blast examples:

Military occupations and heavy weapon systems that may expose service members to low-level blast include:

  • Armor, artillery and gunnery
  • Breaching charges
  • Shoulder mounted weapons
  • Explosive ordinance disposal
  • Military instructor training
  • .50 caliber weapons
  • Indirect fire weapons

Research is still emerging on the potential health effects of low-level blast exposure. It's important to recognize the signs and report your symptoms if they persist. Medical providers and service members can learn more about LLB and TBI from TBICoE's fact sheets, short video, and infographic.

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Fact Sheet
Oct 16, 2024

Low-Level Blast: Fact Sheet for Service Members

.PDF | 813.35 KB

TBICoE developed this fact sheet for service members to learn more about blast overpressure, low-level blast, and high-level blast exposures and what possible effects those exposures can have on their brain health. Service members should be aware of the potential effects of blast exposures, which occupations and heavy weapon systems are associated ...

Oct 15, 2024

Talking Blast Exposure Impact With TBICoE

Talking Blast Exposure Impact With TBICoE

Can blast exposure impact the brain? TBICoE's Branch Chief, Dr. Katie Stout, explains. While some service members may experience blast exposure without an immediate diagnosable injury, there may still be effects on the brain. TBICoE is advancing blast exposure research to help assess risk and protect service members. To learn more, visit ...

Fact Sheet
Aug 29, 2024

Low-Level Blast: Fact Sheet for DOD Providers

.PDF | 817.46 KB

Low-level blast is defined as blast generated from firing heavy weapon systems or explosives in combat or training environments. Exposure to low-level blast does not typically result in a clinically diagnosable concussion, also known as mild traumatic brain injury. TBICoE developed this fact sheet for DOD health care providers.

Apr 26, 2024

Researchers and Guard Physicians Set Their Sights on Mitigating the Impact of Blast Exposures

Military personnel and civilian researchers at a training at Fort McCoy

Red Arrow soldiers from the 1-120th Field Artillery Battalion and 1-105th Cavalry Squadron were visited by a team of civilian researchers and Wisconsin National Guard surgeons on April 9, 2024, during their training at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, to discuss a study to measure blast exposure and evaluate associated effects among soldiers during routine ...

Sep 21, 2023

TBI and Low-Level Blast Exposure: What Medical Providers Need to Know

TBI and Low-Level Blast Exposure: What Medical Providers Need to Know

This educational video, produced by the Traumatic Brain Injury Center of Excellence, focuses on the effects of low-level blast and traumatic brain injury. Its purpose is to provide supplemental information on low-level blast to health care providers and beneficiaries.

Last Updated: March 07, 2024
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