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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Privacy Contract Language

The Military Health System must comply with Federal law protecting the privacy and security of personally identifiable information and protected health information (PII/PHI), as well as with other Federal information laws. Therefore, standard language to require compliance must be included whenever a solicitation is issued or a contract awarded (or other agreement is entered into) if performance involves PII/PHI.

For contracts awarded by or for the Defense Health Agency, see:

  • DHA Standard Contract Language
  • Procurement Directorate guidance at PGI 224.1-90

That guidance explains how to incorporate by reference all or part of the DHA Standard Contract Language in contract documents.  

For contracts or other agreements used by MHS components other than DHA, see:

Please note that the linked documents are subject to change.

Need Contractor Access to Network Systems?

If you need to get contractor personnel access to Health Affairs, DHA or DOD network systems, contact the Administration and Management Directorate.


Administration and Management Directorate (A&MD)
Mission Assurance Division
Personnel Security Branch
7700 Arlington Blvd
Falls Church, VA 22042



Secure Fax:


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Oct 27, 2020

Guideline: #PGI 224.1-90, Personally Identifiable Information, Protected Health Information, and Federal Information Requirements

.PDF | 389.61 KB

This PGI provides standard language that shall be included in all purchased and non-purchased care solicitations and contracts where the contractor’s performance involves access to PII/PHI (unless those solicitations and contracts incorporate the TRICARE Manuals in their entirety, in which case this PGI does not apply).

  • Identification #: PGI 224.1-90
  • Type: Guideline
Last Updated: July 10, 2024
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