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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Data Sharing Agreement Templates

Defense Health Agency Data Sharing Agreement Application

Submit a Data Sharing Agreement Application in order to request a Data Sharing Agreement for systems managed by the Defense Health Agency. The DSAA is submitted for all research requests and TRICARE contractors who follow the TRICARE Systems Manual.

Prerequisite Checklist

Submit a Prerequisite Checklist for a compliance review of a DSA submission for systems management by the DHA. The PRC is submitted for any non-research request.

Data Request Templates

Data Request Templates are provided to specify the data a project seeks for the project specified in the DSAA specific use. Attach a DRT for each system listed in the “Source and Type of Data” section of the DSAA. Choose from the DRTs listed below. Each DRT includes instructions and a sample.

Note: The DRT is required unless otherwise determined by the DHA PCLO.

De-Identification Plan Template

Completion of a De-Identification Plan is required to support the "Data De-identification, publishing, and reporting" section of a DSAA when de-identifying PHI in accordance with HIPAA regulations. The plan should show how MHS sensitive data elements will be de-identified, as well as how the HIPAA 18 identifiers will be handled.

DSA Change and Modification Templates

  • Change of Government Sponsor — Submit a Change of Government Sponsor to document a new Sponsor for the DSA.
  • Change of Applicant/Recipient — Submit a Change of Applicant/Recipient to document a new Applicant/Recipient for the DSA.
  • Modification Request — Submit a Modification Request to document any changes to the information provided in the DSAA of an existing DSA. If the DSA expires within 30 days, then submit a Renewal Request in lieu of Modification Request.
  • Extension Request — Submit an Extension Request to request a 30 day extension of an existing DSA that will expire and a renewal is not needed.
  • Renewal Request — Submit a Renewal Request to renew an existing DSA.
  • Certification of Data Disposition — Submit a CDD within 30 days of the expiration of a DSA or the end of the project, whichever comes first, to certify that the data used in connection with the DSA was appropriately disposed.
Last Updated: October 24, 2023
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