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Medical Student Rotation Information


Thank you for your interest in the Medical Student Program at Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center. As a United States Armed Forces training hospital, we offer graduate medical education for U.S. citizens who are accepted from U.S.-accredited educational institutions. We are a rotation site for the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), the Health Professional Scholarship Program (HPSP), and various other U.S. educational institutions. The Graduate Medical Office oversees the training provided by the professional healthcare programs.

Eligible Trainees

Trainees eligible to rotate at Eisenhower Army Medical Center are enrolled in the USUHS, HPSP, or have a specific affiliation agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) between their training institution and Eisenhower.

Clerkship Opportunities 

Clerkship training opportunities are normally offered to medical students who are enrolled in military scholarship programs or Augusta University/Medical College of Georgia. The professional staff enjoy teaching and pride themselves on quality training. Military students may be accepted for active-duty military training or in civilian status.

Rotations for medical students not enrolled in schools as stated above will only be considered for those with a specific relationship with Eisenhower Army Medical Center and/or the U.S. Army. Our most commonly available rotations are listed below. Other clerkships may be available on request in areas such as in any of the Medicine sub-specialties which includes Cardiology, Emergency Medicine*, Radiology, Anesthesiology, ENT, Pathology, and Psychiatry.

To Request a Rotation

  • HPSP or USUHS medical students may contact the Graduate Medical Education Office via email at The GME Office can be reached at 800-492-5055, 706-787-4657, or 706-787-1648.
  • For military medical students wishing to do a clerkship to support an application to the Emergency Medicine Residency at MCG WellStar Augusta, please contact the program directly at 706-721 4467 or 706-721-2613.

Medical Student Rotations

Specialty/Subspecialty:  Family Medicine
Inpatient vs. Outpatient vs. both: 
Inpatient and Outpatient
Inpatient Consult service: 
Not applicable
Operating Room: 
Not applicable 

  • Outpatient: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Inpatient: Monday-Saturday 6 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Any call? / Nights?:  None
Primary interaction with residents vs. faculty? 
Residents, Faculty, Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants
Any required tests or presentations? 
None but highly encouraged

Brief rotation description:

The full scope of Family Medicine, including most outpatient procedures, is taught by the faculty and residents in a fast-paced, academically and clinically driven ambulatory and inpatient care setting. Pediatric, geriatric, and obstetric patients are represented. The student gains an understanding of the Family Medicine philosophy of comprehensive medical care, health maintenance, and the holistic approach to individual patient care. Morning reports, lectures, and clinic rounds provide outstanding ongoing didactics each week. Students from the military medical school (USUHS), as well as from civilian allopathic and osteopathic programs, consistently rate our site among the best for teaching and role modeling the practice of primary care.

Specialty/Subspecialty: Internal Medicine Wards Sub-internship
Inpatient vs. Outpatient vs. both: 
Inpatient Consult service: 
Not applicable
Operating Room: 
Not applicable 
6 a.m. - 6 p.m. daily, one day off per week
Any call? / Nights?: 
Every fourth day, no night call
Primary interaction with residents vs. faculty? 
Any required tests or presentations? 

Brief rotation description:

Third-and fourth-year students are supervised by residents and are responsible for initial history and physical exams, admission orders and daily progress notes for patients on medicine wards. Students present cases, discuss differential diagnoses and participate in the formulation of treatment plans. Learning activities include routine ward procedures, lectures and conferences.

Specialty/Subspecialty:  Medical Intensive Care Unit Sub-internship
Inpatient vs. Outpatient vs. both:  
Inpatient Consult service: 
Operating Room:
6 a.m. - 6 p.m. daily, one day off per week
Any call? / Nights?: 
No night call
Primary interaction with residents vs. faculty? 
Residents and faculty
Any required tests or presentations? 

Brief rotation description:

Under the direct supervision of the resident, students usually follow one or two patients at a time in the ICU. Students gain an understanding of the physical and diagnostic signs of patients who have sustained acute, life-threatening, single or multi-organ system failure secondary to disease or injury and understand the pathophysiology of the disease processes encountered.

Specialty/Subspecialty:  Orthopaedic Surgery
Inpatient vs. Outpatient vs. both: 
Inpatient Consult service: 
Operating Room:  
40% OR time
Daily 5 a.m. - 6 p.m., one day off per week
Any call? / Nights?: 
Yes, average of 1 at home call per week and 1 weekend call per month
Primary interaction with residents vs. faculty? 
Residents and faculty
Any required tests or presentations? 
No, but highly encouraged for auditioning 4th year medical students

Brief rotation description:

Students rotate in the outpatient clinic, inpatient ward, operating room and participate in Orthopaedic emergencies. Students attend all scheduled Orthopaedic activities, including morning report, comprehensive lecture series, grand rounds and journal club. Students will learn proper patient assessment, including interpretation of diagnostic radiographs and treatment procedures while under the close supervision of residents and faculty. Students will get the opportunity to rotate on each orthopaedic subspecialty at Eisenhower and work closely with board certified subspecialists in Foot and Ankle, Hand, Sports, Trauma, Oncology, Total joints, and Spine Surgery. Students will also be invited to outside of work activities with residents such as barbeques and intermural sports.

Specialty/Subspecialty:  General Surgery
Inpatient vs. Outpatient vs. both:  
Inpatient Consult service: 
Operating Room:  
60% OR Time
Daily 5 a.m. - 6 p.m., one day off per week
Any call? / Nights?: 
Yes, average 1 overnight call per week
Primary interaction with residents vs. faculty? 
Residents and faculty
Any required tests or presentations? 
Yes, one formal presentation

Brief rotation description:

Students rotate on one of the three primary surgical teams under the supervision of General Surgeons and subspecialists in the fields of advanced laparoscopy, surgical critical care, colorectal surgery, surgical oncology, endocrine surgery, bariatric surgery and vascular surgery. Students will gain experience and provide pre-operative, operative, and post-operative care to surgical patients in conjunction with surgical residents. Students participate in all academic conferences during their rotation and are expected to deliver one formal presentation.

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