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Defense Health Agency Unveils Strategic Plan

Image of Defense Health Agency Unveils Strategic Plan. The Defense Health Agency strategic plan for Fiscal Years 2023 to 2028, will ensure the director’s vision to transition the DHA to a "digital-first model of health care delivery centered on the patient."

Defense Health Agency Director U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Telita Crosland and U.S. Air Force Command Chief Master Sgt. Tanya Y. Johnson, senior enlisted leader for the DHA, have released the DHA Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2023 to 2028. The plan is a guide for how the agency will provide a strong, integrated health care delivery system in support of the military departments, combatant commands, and our beneficiaries.

"The Military Health System is changing. By simultaneously modernizing and stabilizing our health system, we will meet this change head on," said Crosland. "In order to improve health care delivery and ensure our beneficiaries receive the best possible care, we must identify and leverage transformative technologies, expand partnerships, and adopt new models of health and wellness."

Three Priorities to DHA’s Future

The DHA Strategic Plan outlines the DHA mission and vision, and gives an in-depth overview of three strategic functions as they relate to the director’s priorities for the agency:

  • Enabling combat support to the joint force in competition, crisis, or conflict
  • Building a modernized, integrated, and resilient health care delivery system
  • Empowering dedicated and inspired teams of professionals driving military health’s next evolution

"To accomplish our mission, we must use the right tools, at the right place, at the right time, for the right reason," said Crosland. "This includes scaling innovative workforce ideas with proven value across the agency."

The plan calls for improving hiring efforts, increasing professional development opportunities, and fostering a culture of cooperation. "Our people are our most valuable resource. We want every member of the workforce to feel empowered and energized to not just meet but exceed their mission sets," said Johnson.

Johnson also noted that a positive work environment is key to the success of this plan. "The DHA Strategic Plan is a blueprint for how we can build on all the great work we’ve done over the past ten years," said Johnson. "It’s more than a to-do list; it’s the bedrock of our culture and a critical part of how we’ll continue to move the agency forward."

DHA will use the Performance Management Framework to measure its success. "Having a cohesive and sequential approach to performance management will ensure leaders have the right data at the right time," said Crosland. "By the end of Fiscal Year 2028, we will be an integrated, highly reliable health care system focused on person-centered care."

The agency will revise the strategy annually to ensure it remains aligned to the most relevant Department of Defense priorities and any legislative changes.

"The MHS is an essential element of national security. It has risen to the occasion, time and again, to respond to threats; both overseas and at home," said Crosland. "This plan ensures the DHA continues to deliver on our obligations to our service members, our families, and our Nation."

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Last Updated: August 21, 2023
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