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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.


The Military Health System is an interconnected network of service members whose mission is to support the lives and families of those who support our country. Everyday in the MHS advancements are made in the lab, in the field, and here at home. These are just a few articles highlighting those accomplishments that don't always make it to the front page of local papers.

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Navy Medicine and Readiness Training Command Rota Enhances Readiness and Retention Through Training Programs

U.S. Navy Cmdr. Daniel Griffin, an orthopedic surgeon at Navy Medicine and Readiness Training Command Rota, Spain, demonstrates orthopedic assessment skills to U.S. Navy Hospitalman Jaxon Drezek, during a readiness training exercise.

Navy Medicine and Readiness Training Command Rota, Spain, is dedicated to fostering professional development and recruitment in military medicine.

TRICARE West Region Contractor Transition: What To Know if You Live in the West Region

U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Savannah Waters, 60th Air Mobility Wing public affairs specialist, smiles for a photo with her son in celebration of Mother’s Day

On Jan. 1, TRICARE began delivering health care under its new regional contracts. This means that TriWest Healthcare Alliance is now the contractor for the TRICARE West Region, including six states that moved from the East Region. (Humana Military remains the contractor for the states that have stayed in the East Region.)

TRICARE Pharmacy Network Expands With Addition of Kroger Pharmacies

A pharmacist speaking with a customer

On Feb. 5, the Kroger Family of Pharmacies rejoined the TRICARE Pharmacy Program network. This means that TRICARE beneficiaries now have access to over 2,200 additional network pharmacies across 35 states. These pharmacies are in rural, suburban, and urban locations.

Special Ops 'Care Coalitions' Aid Recovery, Retention

Leaders from across the Special Operations Command listen to remarks provided by Colby Jenkins, acting assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low intensity conflict

Army Capt. Timothy Bible stared hopelessly at the beige ceiling tiles and fluorescent lights above his hospital bed at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. It was January 2010, more than a month since his leg was amputated above the knee — what remained would take months to heal.

U.S. Navy Doctor Prepared for Deployment at a Moment's Notice

U.S. Navy Lt. Kathryn Flynn examines a patient

U.S. Navy Lt. Kathryn Flynn, assigned to Expeditionary Medical Unit at Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command in Bethesda, Maryland, serves as the chief of residents for the internal medicine residency program at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. While her role is designed to deliver Role 2 medical care in operational environments, Flynn trains to build medical readiness of herself and the unit.

Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center Physician Assistant Receives U.S. Army Surgeon General Master Clinician Award

U.S. Army Cpt. Matthew Perdue

U.S. Army Cpt. Matthew Perdue, a physician assistant at Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, was recognized as one of the phantom lethal warriors of the week by U.S. Army Lt. Gen. Kevin D. Admiral, commander, III Armored Corps and Fort Cavazos, during a ceremony on Jan. 10.

Womack’s Namesake Honors Korean War Medal of Honor Recipient, Delivers State-of-the Art Care Today

Womack’s Namesake Honors Korean War Medal of Honor Recipient, Delivers State-of-the Art Care Today

Womack Medical Center continues the legacy of its Korean War Medal of Honor namesake.

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases Scientist Wins Esteemed Presidential Award

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases scientist Keersten Ricks

U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases scientist Keersten Ricks recently received the Presidential Early Career Award for scientists and engineers in recognition of her extraordinary achievements in protecting the warfighter from emerging infectious disease threats.

World War II Veteran Co-Founds Nurse Practitioner Program

Loretta Ford

A nationwide shortage of physicians in rural areas spurred a World War II nurse to work with a pediatrician and create the nurse practitioner program in 1965.

DOD Leaders Take Action to Fix Walter Reed Flooding, Maintenance Issues

Recently appointed Department of Defense leadership visited the hospital on Feb. 1, 2025, to survey the damage. Darin Selnick (front center), the official performing the duties of Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, listens to U.S. Navy Cmdr. Russel Jarvis (right), Walter Reed’s chief of facilities, explain the extent of the water damage in a mechanical room. On the left is Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Dr. David Smith.

Aging infrastructure and deferred maintenance due to underfunding in recent years led to flooding at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, a hub of urgent, high-priority care for wounded service members and the facility at which the President of the United States is treated.

Revolutionizing Midlife Health: Telehealth Support for Women at Every Stage

A women typing on a laptop computer

For many women, midlife represents a period of significant transition, often accompanied by both biological and psychological challenges. Symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, palpitations, "brain fog," difficulty sleeping, migraines, mood fluctuations, and genitourinary concerns can emerge during menopause.

Mental Health Resources from the Uniformed Services University's Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress Translated for Global Audiences

The Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress works leverages a team of professionals from around the world to translate emotional health content to support disaster relief

Nearly 30 resources developed by the Uniformed Services University’s Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress have been translated into various languages, expanding accessibility to global audiences in need of mental health support during disaster response efforts.

Arctic Angels Rehearse Medical Evacuation Operations Ahead of Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center 25-02

Soldiers move a simulated casualty into a field litter ambulance as part of a medical evacuation rehearsal

In the frigid early morning on the Alaskan frontier, the 11th Airborne Division conducted a medical evacuation rehearsal near Delta Junction, Alaska, on Jan. 18, 2025. The rehearsal comes only days before the start of JPMRC 25-02, the Army’s newest Combat Training Center, focusing on operations in remote and extreme Arctic winter conditions.

U.S. Army North Exercise Tests Biological Threat Response

Participants, including those representing U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, U.S. Army service component commands, combat support agencies, and other Department of Defense and federal partners took part in a three-day tabletop exercise

During a December 2024 first-of-its-kind, tabletop exercise on responding to biological incidents, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases’ objective was to evaluate gaps in how forces identify and respond to biological incidents, and to discuss improving biological threat preparation and prevention, early warning, response, and mitigation.

Ghana Armed Forces and U.S. Army Medics Build Partnerships Through Training

Ghana Armed Forces Capt. Emmanuel Oti Boateng and U.S. Army Spc. Danielle Soberanis, a medic assigned to U.S. Army Southern European Task Force Africa, assess a simulated casualty during the partner medical training exercise

Augustine Akagri was a Warrant Officer Class II in the Ghana Armed Forces with 15 years of combat medical experience and a Ghana Jungle Badge. He believed he was ready for any challenge—until he faced the U.S. Army Combat Fitness Test in subzero temperatures. The resilience skills he had learned during a session with U.S. Army Chaplain Capt. Allen Hoskyn helped him stay resilient.

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Last Updated: March 12, 2024
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