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Clinical Investigations Program Branch

The purpose of the Defense Health Agency Clinical Investigations Program is to improve health and readiness by facilitating the execution of scholarly activity to support graduate health science education and allied health programs.


Map of Continental U.S. showing MTF CIP Site locations. A link to access an alternate accessible version can be found below the image.


508 Accessible Version of Map (.pdf file 206KB)

Clinical Investigations Program Branch Functions: Management Support, Policy Support, Process Support, Resource Support, Contracting Support

CIP Branch Functions

The CIP Branch operates under five functional areas

  • Management Support – Ensuring alignment of MTF CIPs with DHA strategic drivers and MTF graduate medical education program director requirements
  • Policy Support – Executing policies and procedures required in key CIP-related Department of Defense instructions
  • Process Support – Promoting standardization of CIP practices
  • Resource Support –  Advocating for the necessary scope, staffing, and resources for CIPs at each MTF
  • Contracting Support – Developing support contracts for MTF CIPs based on their organizational needs and changes

CIP and Scholarly Activity

Scholarly activity is creative work used to advance existing or gain new knowledge, methods, materials, or uses in teaching or discovery. It is a common requirement for Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education accreditation. The CIP Branch facilitates completion of scholarly activities in support of graduate health science education accreditation.

The vision of the Clinical Investigations Program Office is to foster a dynamic environment of innovation and learning that drives excellence in military medicine.

The CIP Branch supports operational training and research requirements of more than 500 graduate medical, nursing, dental, and graduate health sciences education programs with over 10,000 trainees.

CIP Policies

The CIP Branch issued three DHA publications to standardize procedures, support research, and ensure a stable financial foundation for CIP programs in the MHS.

  • DHA-Procedural Instruction 3200.02 Clinical Investigation Program at MTFs: Implements DOD Instruction 6000.08 and provides details on CIP execution 
  • DHA-Technical Manual 3200.02 Scientific Review: Provides guidance to ensure CIP supports research and clinical investigations that are feasible and scientifically sound 

CIP Young Investigator Competition

The CIP Branch established the CIP Young Investigator Competition to showcase emerging researchers from MTF CIPs and to demonstrate the value of graduate health sciences education research to the MHS. The branch hosted its third annual Young Investigator Competition at the 2024 AMSUS, the Society of Federal Health Professionals Annual Meeting. Four judges reviewed poster and oral presentations and conducted Q&A with seven young MTF researchers. U.S. Army Capt. Bradley Pierce from Tripler Army Medical Center won both the poster and oral presentations for his research titled, "Evaluation of 405 nm Light-Emitting Diode Technology for Portable Decontamination of Surgical Instruments in Austere or Resource-Limited Environments."

Questions about CIP? Email

DHA Research Resources

Visit the DHA Research Resources page for a list of resources to help investigators navigate the DHA research process in the areas of surveys and questionnaires, human subjects review, data sharing agreements, funding, general resources, and database resources.

CIPs in the News

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Last Updated: September 23, 2024
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