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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

ReadyReliableCare is the DHA-led effort to advance #HighReliability across the MHS. Embracing innovation means the MHS is never satisfied with the status quo, and is always finding new ways to improve patient care.

ReadyReliableCare is the DHA-led effort to advance #HighReliability across the MHS. Embracing innovation means the MHS is never satisfied with the status quo, and is always finding new ways to improve patient care.

What's New

  • Link to Infographic: Graphic for Ready Reliable Care #ReadyReliableCare is the DHA-led effort to advance #HighReliability across the MHS.
  • Link to Infographic: Graphic for Ready Reliable Care #ReadyReliableCare is the DHA-led effort to advance #HighReliability across the MHS.
  • Link to Infographic: Social media graphic on Health Innovation Month showing a service member delivering en route care. Health Innovation Month
  • Link to Infographic: Social media graphic on Health Innovation Month showing a smart phone Health Innovation Month. Developed app to help female service members make informed contraception decisions
  • Link to Infographic: Social media graphic on Health Innovation Month showing a drive up COVID-19 test Health Innovation Month Opening drive-up pharmacies kept access to prescriptions and lowered COVID-19 risk
  • Link to Infographic: Social media graphic on Health Innovation Month showing a medical x-ray Health Innovation Month Securely connecting DOD electronic health records with civilian networks through the Joint Health ...
  • Link to Infographic: Social media graphic on Health Innovation Month people getting a vaccine Health Innovation Month. Placing COVID-19 vaccination clinics in the PX brings vaccines to the people
  • Link to Infographic: Social media graphic on Health Innovation Month showing a service member delivering en route care. Health Innovation Month
  • Link to Infographic: Social media graphic on Health Innovation Month showing a service member building a ventilator Health Innovation Month Developing inexpensive DIY ventilators to meet demand and patient need
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Last Updated: April 11, 2024
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