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Signed in 2014

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Signed in 2014

Traumatic Brain Injury and Psychological HealthHR 5658, SAC Report for FY 2013, 112-196, Pg. 22812/10/2014
Plan to Eliminate Gaps and Redundancies in Programs for Psychololgical Health and Traumatic Brain InjuryHR 4310, NDAA Conference Report for FY 2013, 112-705, Sec. 73912/9/2014
Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Military and Veteran PopulationsHR 2647, NDAA Conference Report for FY 2010, 111-288, Sec. 72612/2/2014
Consolidation of the Disability Evaluation SystemHR 1540, HASC Report for FY 2013, 112-078, Pg. 14811/20/2014
Pilot Program on Investigational Treatment for Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderHR 3304, NDAA for FY 2014, Sec. 70410/28/2014
Interagency Task Force on Military and Veterans Mental HealthOn August 31, 2012, President Obama signed Executive Order 13625 directing the Departments of Defense (DoD), Veterans Affairs (VA), and Health and Human Services (HHS), in coordination with other federal agencies, to take steps to ensure that Veterans, Service members and their Families receive the mental health and substance use services and support they need.10/24/2014
Use of Telemedicine to Improve the Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD TBI and Mental Health ConditionsHR 3304, NDAA for FY2014, Sec. 70210/7/2014
Requirement Related to Providing World Class Military Medical CentersHR 6523, NDAA Conference Report for FY 2011, Sec. 28529/25/2014
DOD Personnel Policies Regarding Members of the Armed Forces with HIV or Hepatitis BHR 3304, NDAA for FY 2014, Sec. 5729/22/2014
Health Care Provider Appointment and Compensation AuthoriesS 3254, SASC Report for FY 2013, 112-173, Pg. 1339/16/2014
Pilot Program for Refills of Maintenance Medications for TFL Beneficiaries Through the TMOPHR 4310, NDAA Conference Report for FY 2013, 112-705, Sec. 7169/16/2014
Review of Integrated Disability Evaluation SystemHR 3304, NDAA for FY 2014 Sec. 5268/28/2014
Implementation of a Comprehensive Policy on Pain Management by the Military Health SystemHR 2647, NDAA Conference Report 705, Sec. 5248/11/2014
Implementation of the Disability Evaluation System Quality Assurance ProgramHR 4310, NDAA Conference Report 705, Sec. 5247/31/2014
Report on the Memorandum Regarding Traumatic Brain InjuriesHR 3304, NDAA for FY 2014, Sec. 7237/21/2014
Study Health Care Related Support Children Members the Armed ForcesHHR 4310, NDAA Conference Report for FY 2013, 112-705, Sec. 7357/15/2014
Peer Reviewed Cancer Research ProgramHR 2397, HAC Report for FY 2014, 113-113, Pg. 277 & S 1429, SAC Report for FY 2014, 113-085, Pg. 1917/14/2014
Activities of the Force Health Protection Quality Assurance ProgramHR 4200, NDAA Conference Report for FY 2005, 108-767, Sec. 7397/10/2014
Electronic Health Records of the DoD and VA HAIMSHR 3304, NDAA for FY 2014, Sec. 713(j)6/23/2014
DoD Review of Impact of Pharmacists in Patient Centered Medical Homes on Prescription Drug AbuseHR 2397, HASC Report for FY 2014 113-113, Pg. 2776/19/2014
Radiation Exposure ReportHR 3547, DoD Approps Conference Report for FY 2014, 113-032, Pg. 906/19/2014
TRlCARE Appeal Process In Fiscal Year 2014Senate Report 113-44, page 133. to accompany S. 1197. the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2014, requests the Secretary of Defense to submit a report to the Committees on Anned Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives on the TRICARE appeals process.6/14/2014
Study on Incidence of Breast Cancer Among Active Duty Service MembersHR 4310, NDAA Conference Report for FY 2013, 112-705, Sec. 7375/29/2014
Medical Management of Sexual Assault CasesS 1197, SASC Report for FY 2014, 113-44, Pg. 1205/20/2014
Improvements to Oversight of Medical Training for Medical Corps OfficersThis fourth annual report identifies and provides a status of each Graduate Medical Program in effect during the previous fiscal year.5/16/2014
DoD Improvements To Oversight Of Medical Training For Medical Corps OfficersHR 6523, NDAA Conference Report for FY 2011, Sec. 7145/6/2014
Education and Training of the Acquisition Workforce of the TRICARE Management ActivityS 1197, SASC Report for FY 2014 113-004, Pg. 1325/1/2014
DoD Enhanced Access to Autism Services DemonstrationJoint Explanatory Statement, NDAA for FY 2009, Sec. 7324/11/2014
DoD Applied Behavior Analysis PilotHR 4310, NDAA Conference Report For FY 2013, 112-705, Sec. 7054/11/2014
DoD Ancillary Services Report to Congress and Defense CommitteesHR 1960, HASC Report for FY 2014, 113-102, Pg. 1784/11/2014
Military Departments Management of Physical Evaluation Board Liaison OfficersHR 4310, NDAA Conference Report For FY 2013, 112-705, Sec. 5243/24/2014
Extremity Trauma and Amputation Center of ExcellenceS 3001, NDAA Conference Report Of Traumatic Extremity Injuries and Amputations & JES for FY 2009, Sec. 7233/11/2014
Evaluation of the TRICARE Program Fiscal Year 2014 Report to CongressThe Evaluation of the TRICARE Program: Access, Cost, and Quality, Fiscal Year 2014 Report to Congress is provided by the TRICARE Management Activity (TMA)/Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)—Defense Health Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation (DHCAPE), in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Health Affairs) (OASD/HA).This evaluation report presents results trended over at least the most recent three fiscal years, where programs are mature and data permit. MHS cost, quality, and access data are compared with corresponding comparable civilian benchmarks, such as comparing beneficiary-reported access and experience to results from the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) survey sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), comparing our quality measures to the national expectations and results of the Joint Commission, and comparing healthrisky behavior to Healthy People 2020 objectives.2/25/2014
Extremity Trauma and Amputation Center of ExcellenceS 3001, NDAA Conference Report Of Traumatic Extremity Injuries and Amputations & JES for FY 2009, Sec. 7232/19/2014
Integrative Medicine in the Military Health SystemHR 5658, SAC Report for FY 2013, 112-196 Pg. 2311/8/2014
Performance Metrics and Reports on Warriors in Transition Programs of Military DepartmentsHR 4310, NDAA Conference Report for FY 2013, 112-705, Sec. 7381/8/2014
Last Updated: October 05, 2023
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