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Military Health System

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center Facilities Challenges

The center experienced issues from burst frozen pipes and subsequent water damage. >>Learn more.

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Signed in 2008

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Signed in 2008

Defense Health Budget Carrryover FundsC.R. 110-15511/3/2008
Bridge Supplemental Funds Appropriated for TBI and Psychological HealthExplanatory Statement accompanying H.R. 264210/31/2008
Comprehensive Plan on Traumatic Brain InjurySection 1618 of the FY 2008 NDAA10/31/2008
Medical and Dental Military to Civilian ConversionsSection 721 of the FY 2008 NDAA10/20/2008
Military Mental Health InitiativeH.R. 110-146 to accompany H.R. 15859/26/2008
Incidences of Food Alergies and AnaphylaxisC.R. 110-4349/16/2008
DoD VA Information Interoperability PlanInteroperability Plan that accompanied the annual report to Congress9/15/2008
Electronic Health Record InteroperabilityC.R. 110-434, accompanying H.R. 33329/15/2008
GAO Report about Electronic Health RecordsGAO-08-9549/15/2008
Medical Physical Examinations of Service Members Before DeploymentSection 714 of the FY 2008 NDAA9/15/2008
Administering Multiple Vaccinations to Members of the Armed ForcesSection 715 of the FY 2008 NDAA9/4/2008
TRICARE Reserve SelectS.R. 110-0779/3/2008
Standardization of Claims ProcessingSection 731 of the FY 2007 NDAA8/25/2008
Gender and Ethnic Group Specific Mental Health ServicesSection 716 of the FY 2008 NDAA8/19/2008
Obstetric Care Provided to Beneficiares in Remote Overseas AreasC.R. 110-4778/18/2008
Pilot Projects on Early Diagnosis and Treatment of PTSD and Other Mental Health ConditionsSection 1634(a)(2) of the FY 2008 NDAA8/18/2008
United States Army Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR) Burn CenterH.R. 110-146 of the FY2008 NDAA8/11/2008
Training in the Preservation of Human Remains to Deploying Medical PersonnelSection 712 of the FY 2008 NDAA8/6/2008
Mental Health Advisory Team IV FindingsS. 1547, FY 2008 NDAA, S.R. ll0-77, Title VII8/4/2008
Prevalence and Scope of Billing Fraud Being Committed by Covered BenefciariesH.R. 110-1468/4/2008
Screening for Traumatic Brain InjuryH.R. 109-452 (page 344), to accompany H.R. 51228/1/2008
Force Health Protection Quality Assurance ProgramSection 739 of the FY 2005 NDAA7/29/2008
Tri Service Nursing ProgramC.R. 110-4347/25/2008
Establishment of a Department of Defense School of NursingSection 955 of the FY 2008 NDAA7/9/2008
Evaluation of Chiropractic ServicesS.R. 109-254, pages 178-179, in the FY 2007 NDAA7/2/2008
Replacement of Japanese Encephalitis VaccineC.R. 110-4346/17/2008
Logitudinal Study of Traumatic Brain Injury of Service Members in OIF adn OEFSection l634(a)(l) of FY 2008 NDAA6/12/2008
Health Status and Medical Readiness of Members of the Armed ForcesSection 731 of the FY 2005 NDAA6/9/2008
Evaluation of the Chiropractic Program ImplementationSection 718 of the FY 2005 NDAA5/13/2008
Peer Reviewed Medical Research ProgramC.R. 110-4345/13/2008
Diagnosis, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of Service Members with PTSD and TBISection 1634(b) of the FY 2008 NDAA5/1/2008
Military Medical and Dental Positions Converting to Civilian PositionsSection 742 of PL 109-3644/30/2008
Evaluation of the TRICARE ProgramSection 717 of the FY1996 NDAA4/3/2008
Inspection of Military Medical Treatment Facilities and Medical Hold HousingSection 3307 of PL 110-28, Section 1648(e) of PL 110-1814/2/2008
Task Force on the Future of Military Health CareSection 711 of the PL 109-3643/27/2008
Call Center Realignment Assessment and RecommendationsS.R. 109-2543/24/2008
TRICARE Standard Activities of TRICARE Regional OfficesSection 716 of the FY 2006 NDAA3/24/2008
VA DoD Joint Executive Council Annual Report38 U.S.C., Section 3203/17/2008
Program for Disease and Chronic Care ManagementSection 734 of the FY 2007 NDAA3/12/2008
Armed Forces Institute of PathologySection 3702 of the PL 110-282/28/2008
Health Status and Medical Readiness of Members of the Armed ForcesSection 731 of the FY 2005 NDAA2/8/2008
American Red Cross Volunteer PhysiciansH.R. 110-2792/6/2008
Efficiency of Military Treatment FacilitiesS.R. 109-2921/25/2008
Medical InformaticsSection 753 of the FY 2001 NDAA, HASC Report 106-6161/25/2008
Post Traumatic Stress DisorderH.R. 109-951/23/2008
Reduction in Navy Medical PersonnelS.R. 110-0771/23/2008
Last Updated: October 05, 2023
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